Frequently Asked Questions

Please click the ‘+’ button in the toolbar.

Select the protocol stack you want to delete and click the ‘-’ button in the toolbar.

Yes. please click the shuffle button in the toolbar and select the from and to cards and click shuffle.

To target only one IP address, please provide only one IP address in the configuration.

If the test is stopped or not able to start, the results folder will be empty. Please refer to the logs located at the bottom of the screen or ~/TrueTraffik/TrueTraffik_gui.log file.

Yes. Once the configuration is completed, please select the apply / start test button. For all configured client(s) or server(s) or router(s), TrueTraffik_be will respond for all ping echo messages.

Yes. Please select the ‘Enable Packet Dump‘ option. Once the test is completed, all the dumps from all the connected backends will be provided in the Results folder.

No. Any number of protocol pairs are supported.

No. Any number of canvas and any number of graphs per canvas can be selected per protocol per protocol pair

In the bottom of the window, two tabs are provided. Status Messages followed by Notes tab. Notes tab is a plain text editor. Any content written in the text editor will be saved as part of configuration. This content can be for future reference.

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